Website Building Tips

Today we will discuss the main stages of creation. What should be considered before the start of development? What can be saved on and what not? We will give simple tips on how to make a website and how not to make mistakes in choosing a contractor.


Types of sites: dynamic and static sites

In this short article, we will talk about what dynamic and static websites are. Decisions about the type of site and the CMS used for it are made based on the goals set during the development of the site, and we, as experts in site building, will always be able to answer your questions and help with choosing the type of site.

All sites can be divided into two groups:

  • dynamic sites – form pages according to the settings and conditions that the site administrator sets, using scripts written in different programming languages for this. Such sites allow visitors not only to read information, but also to add their own, communicate with other users, search the site and register on it.
  • static sites are a site where information (text, pictures, etc.) can change only due to changes in the code of the site pages. In other words, there are no chats or forums on a static site, and the visitor cannot leave a comment, since such sites do not use databases to store information.

Website development: manual or CMS?

Work, as you know, ennobles a person. Hardly anyone can argue with this statement. However, laziness can drive progress – and this statement also has a place in our lives. So which of the two set expressions to stick to in everyday life? What to prefer – creating a site manually or CMS? Let’s try to figure out which side is right by comparing both methods of creating an Internet resource.

Relationship to the server

According to experts, most often the content management system is used to create simple projects that carry a minimum semantic load and do not imply something extraordinary. But, you see, it is foolish to give preference to CMS if you are faced with the task of creating the simplest one-page business card site. Do not forget that today almost any content management system works in conjunction with PHP and MySQL.

Based on this, it is worth assuming that the demands on the server increase significantly. Just compare: a site that is written from scratch accesses databases to show some information to the user 5-7 times, while the engine uses the database to show the same information 25 or more times. Significant, isn’t it?

Solution of standard tasks

It should be understood that, as a rule, specialists use the site management system for projects that are designed to solve a number of standard tasks. For example, the use of CMS will be most justified if you need to publish daily news or place ads, create polls, blogs.

In this case, CMS is considered by programmers as a professional set of modules that are just capable of solving the assigned tasks with high quality. Manually expanding the functionality of the site is not so easy. This will require a specialist and certain skills, as well as a lot of free time – you need to be prepared for this!


Usability is the most important characteristic of any site, both manually created and using a management system. As practice shows, usability often takes the side of the CMS, because both the administrative and the parts of the site visible to visitors are always built logically and have an intuitive interface. In addition, a site built on a CMS is more functional and ergonomic than one that was created from scratch and manually. Of course, if you write each line manually, it is quite possible that you will achieve more effective results and more revealing functionality of the Internet resource. However, be prepared for the fact that you will need more financial and temporary opportunities.

Of course, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question “What is preferable – a site from scratch or a CMS?”, and each of the two methods has the right to exist.

Choosing a CMS for a website

Even at the design stage of the development of the site, questions arise:

  • On what to make a site?
  • Which CMS to choose?
  • What is the best CMS?

Let’s try to find answers to these questions. So, what is this, CMS? In English it sounds like “Content Management System”, in our Great and Mighty – “Content Management System”. They are also called “engine for the site” or simply “cms systems”.

You can also say that this is a kind of program. If you feel free in Word, Excel and similar programs, then you will have no problems with learning CMS to fill the site with content.

The meaning is the same. In CMS, you work with text, pictures, fill in various forms and fields, i.e. manage your site using buttons and menus. You do not need knowledge of CSS and HTML, although their knowledge can greatly help in solving a number of issues. Knowledge of CSS, HTML, JS and other php can be safely transferred to specialists in site building and entrusted with finalizing the site to the requirements of search engines and your visitors. For a general understanding, read the article “Types of sites. Dynamics and statics” and “Creating a site: manually or CMS?”.

Which CMS to choose? What is the best CMS?

The only answer to these questions is that there is no answer. In fact, it depends on many factors. These are the goals and objectives of the site, its functionality, the cost of the CMS, the level of difficulty in learning, security, etc. and so on. If you have not yet decided on the theme of the site, then read the article “The theme of the site. How to choose a theme for the site?

Consider the pros and cons on the example of two, one of the most popular CMS systems:

  • Joomla
  • WordPress
  • Bitrix (1C Bitrix)
  • Drupal

Of course, creating a website on a CMS is an ideal option for those who decide to make a website on their own. For example, a personal blog using the WordPress CMS. You can create a personal blog from installing the CMS itself and its components, to website design, using one of the free templates as a basis and not necessarily armed with knowledge of HTML and CSS. By the way, the installation of CMS for most hosters is automatic – you choose the site engine, press a couple of buttons and you’re done.

In principle, you do not need knowledge of HTML and CSS. But then you will either have to install a free template, and this is a loss of uniqueness, you can meet a site with the same design, or use a paid template, and this can be a loss of money if the template is chosen incorrectly and the template is configured incorrectly. So I recommend that you put a free topic, prepare 3-5 posts, during the preparation of which you will understand what and how you write, understand the rhythm of working on a blog. And after that, turn to professionals for setting up, designing a blog and finalizing your blog to the requirements of search engines. You can order an analysis of your blog from us.

The downside is that you will spend time before you understand CMS systems and find the right solution for you. Of course, on the Internet you can find various information on working in a particular CMS. I suggest you pay attention to one of the most popular WordPress CMS and … Statistics on the used CMS can be found in our overview of web development trends.

Another advantage of CMS systems is functionality. This means that by installing the site engine you get a ready-made set of scripts. Many of them are already installed, for example, site search, user registration, a built-in text editor, and much more. And even more modules can be installed additionally, literally by pressing two buttons. Most of them are not difficult. In WordPress, for example, the installation and configuration of editors took the most time for me.

But this functionality has a downside. Sites on CMS work more slowly, take up more space on hosting, have security holes, and fail. For simple sites (up to 5 static pages), such “tricks” may be unnecessary, so the choice of an engine for a site should be approached carefully.

As for WordPress, it is, first of all, the most popular universal CMS that can solve any problem, but sometimes, due to its versatility, it has limitations in solving highly specialized tasks. The choice of this CMS system will be ideal if you plan to create a blog, a news site where you will post photos, new articles, and also allow visitors to comment on them, or a small store (although recently more and more “big stores” are working on this engine). WordPress is rightfully considered one of the best CMS systems.

Often on the Internet you can find sites made on CMS Joomla, but every year they become less and less. It has been one of the most popular free CMS for a very long time, but due to the fact that its updates did not keep pace with website building trends, it lost its position.

If we talk about the possibilities of SEO, then all CMS are not ideal in terms of promoting sites made on them. But thanks to the presence of third-party modules and extensions

CMS "1C Bitrix"

The software product from 1C, a major Russian software distributor, “1C Bitrix: Site Management” allows you to manage Internet projects of any level of complexity. Using this platform, all project administration functions become available to users without knowledge of HTML and other programming languages.

1C-Bitrix makes it possible to optimize and successfully promote information sites, corporate resources, online stores, social networks, blogs and many other Internet resources that are in demand today.

“1C Bitrix: Site Management” is:

  1. Universal system. All products of the 1C Bitrix line work on Windows, Unix platforms running ASP.NET and PHP and, in terms of their functionality, are suitable for almost all modern projects. The main goal of 1C Bitrix products is to provide the most comfortable, convenient, understandable and at the same time professional management of web resources for both developers and end users.
  2. A large number of modules. Ready-made solutions for various typical tasks. “1C-Bitrix: Site Management” contains more than 30 modules. The platform provides the ability to manage the content of the site, its structure, photo galleries and media files, advertising, blogs, forums, mailing lists, distribute the rights of user groups, evaluate the quality of advertising campaigns, as well as analyze visitor statistics and much more.
  3. Internet security. “1C-Bitrix” is able to provide the highest level of site security – protection against hacking, confirmed by an independent audit of Positive Technologies. High-quality implementation of the Proactive Defense complex – built-in antivirus, proactive filter, OTP (one-time passwords) and other technologies determine not only the reliability of the system core, but also the security of the web resource based on it, taking into account all the improvements and add-ons.
  4. Ease of use. Thanks to the adaptive interface, 1C-Bitrix adapts to your constant work with the resource. He is able to remember your preferences, which will reduce the time to perform various technical tasks.
  5. High performance. The 1C Bitrix system constantly monitors the performance of your projects, diagnoses all work and makes recommendations to improve site performance. The platform, even with limited resources, provides excellent performance results, and also helps to build systems with a high level of performance for sites with huge traffic and significant peak loads.
  6. Solutions for sites of any complexity. To date, there are eight editions of the 1C-Bitrix software product, which differ in their functionality: from standard content management to the creation of portal web solutions for e-commerce.
  7. Integration with “1C”. The system is fully compatible with 1C: Enterprise, which allows you to create online stores integrated into the information environment of companies – publish prices and catalogs from 1C, upload orders and their statuses, data on the remaining goods in stock from 1C to the site and back.
  8. Certified quality. More than forty thousand Internet projects in the Russian Federation and more than three thousand in the CIS work on the 1C Bitrix platform. On the basis of this system, websites of governmental and state structures, educational institutions, the largest industrial enterprises, the media, non-profit organizations and software developers have been created.

In conclusion, we note a number of shortcomings inherent in 1C Bitrix.

  • First of all, it is its cost. If you need additional features, you will have to pay for them, in addition, the possibility of updates and technical support is paid annually (as with most commercial CMS). Also, the cost of site administration is more expensive than, say, WordPress.
  • 1C Bitrix places high demands on the quality of hosting, which can also lead to additional costs. Another disadvantage of the system, associated with financial costs, is the lack of free components and templates.
  • The next disadvantage of Bitrix CMS is a very large number of component files (for some requests, more than 130 system files are required), which can cause the system to slow down compared to its counterparts. This is especially unjustified if you only need a minimal set of features.

CMS WordPress

The initial stage of development of any Internet project involves choosing the most suitable platform for it. It is from the competent choice of the engine that the further fate of the web resource will depend, so the choice of CMS must be approached with all responsibility. To date, there are a huge number of paid and free engines for sites, and choosing the most successful option is often quite difficult. In this article, we will talk about the most popular free engine for creating websites and blogs – WordPress.

Not so long ago, it was widely believed that WordPress is a platform exclusively for creating blogs. However, today you can see many sites with a variety of functionality built directly on WordPress. Below we list the main features and advantages of this system, thanks to which it has gained such wide distribution and popularity:

  1. Simplicity and convenience. WordPress is characterized by ease of installation and initial setup. Adding and editing posts, menu items, categories and pages is very convenient and simple. The interface of the administrative part is characterized by maximum user friendliness, it is understandable on an intuitive level. In addition, you can easily customize the placement of administration elements to suit your needs by moving them around the page.
  2. Continuous development and support. Constantly developing and updating both the CMS itself and the modules for it. Every day there are more and more new plug-ins that allow you to implement the set of functions necessary for creating modern sites. If you have any questions or problems, you can always refer to the WordPress Codex documents, which describe all the features and functions of the core system, or get an answer to your question in the support forum
  3. Reliability and stable performance. Constant support and updates of WordPress ensure the stable operation of sites in any conditions, and possible problems and conflicts are most often easily eliminated. The platform constantly undergoes multiple checks and tests.
  4. Flexibility. If you encounter a problem that is not solved in plugins or in the system, a huge number of system core functions will allow you to quickly and easily develop your own solution to the problem that has arisen. Moreover, such solutions are fully integrated into the system itself, respectively, the likelihood of conflicts is minimized. In addition, the flexibility of the CMS makes it possible to find new, creative solutions to improve both the functionality of the site and its design.
  5. Indexing and promotion. The direct structure of the organization of data, their output, the organization of links to pages is made most friendly in relation to search engines. That is why sites made on WordPress are often much better indexed than those created using other engines. Many specially designed plugins allow you to most effectively conduct search engine optimization of the site.

CMS WordPress provides users with ample opportunities to create websites and blogs without the help of experienced developers. In order to create a full-fledged site on the WordPress engine, you do not need special knowledge in the field of programming. Thus, the choice of this platform will be optimal for beginners in creating web resources, as it is very convenient and requires only minimal knowledge, unlike many other engines. In addition, WordPress compares favorably with other CMS with a very small number of various bugs and errors, which also makes its use as convenient as possible for beginners in the Internet business.

CMS Joomla!

Joomla! is a content management system (CMS) written using the JavaScript and PHP programming languages, using a SQL database as storage.

For 2014: Joomla! – one of the most popular platforms for creating sites of any complexity: from standard business card sites to large online stores or social networks. This system is characterized by sufficient ease of operation and versatility of use.

CSM usage statistics in website building has changed a bit. Data for 2023 with the ability to identify trends in web development in this article.

The basic unit of content in CMS Joomla! – this is material – text with elements of hypertext markup. All materials are edited using a simple graphical editor, so there is no need to be an expert in site building to update the content of your Joomla web resource yourself.

All materials posted on the site are grouped into categories. At the moment, the categories of this system support multi-level, which makes planning the structure of the site more convenient. In addition, you can put a link to any material from a separate page or from the menu.

Joomla is quite convenient for search engine optimization (SEO). It is possible to prescribe the main tags for each text separately, and an alias (additional domain name) is also automatically generated, which is important in the process of search engine promotion.

In technical terms Joomla CMS consists of modules, plugins and components. There is a standard set of extensions that manage the menu, news block, authorization, there are also extensions with which you can install additional functionality on the site – special effects, calendars, counters, etc.

The design of Internet resources on Joomla is controlled by a template. If you need to completely change the design or make any changes to it, then there will be no need to change the design for each page separately, just make changes to the template itself.

The main advantage of the Joomla engine is the ease of development, modification and maintenance of the site. In addition, you can always find a huge number of extensions for Joomla in free access. This CMS is very often updated and based on it you can develop sites of almost any type.

Some cons of Joomla are mainly related to the technical side. These include a significant total amount of files, a large number of pre-installed extensions that you may never need, in some cases, code redundancy.

CMS Drupal

CMS Drupal is one of the most popular platforms for creating websites, it is also important to understand the difference when creating a website without a CMS.

Drupal uses PHP language and MySQL database, can work with such web servers as Apache, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite, MariaDB. Also, this engine supports various software – Flash, Ajax, Flex, PHP, Java, etc. To support and maintain the site, you’d better have a site support specialist on hand.

CMS Drupal can be used to create a wide variety of types of sites, regardless of their complexity – from blogs and small forums to extensive news portals and information archives. The default set of functions can be increased by connecting additional extensions – modules.

Drupal CMS is rightfully considered one of the most user-friendly platforms, both for users and developers, and for search engines. Multiple seo settings ensure effective promotion of Drupal sites in search engines.

Benefits of the Drupal system

  • Extensive functionality
  • Scalability
  • Stable kernel operation
  • Availability of a large number of free templates and themes for a wide variety of website design solutions
  • Ability to create multilingual web resources
  • High-quality construction of the modules used
  • Ease of site administration
  • Large set of add-ons and plugins
  • Sophisticated security system
  • Flexibility in operation and management
    Complete set of Application Programming Interface (API) documentation
  • a large number of Drupal user communities – both English-speaking and Russian-speaking, for example

The Most Important Drupal Basic Configuration Concepts

  1. rubrication mechanisms. Any document of a web resource can be included in one or several headings. Headings, in turn, can make lists or complex hierarchical structures with arbitrary nesting (with cross-references of elements and multiple ancestors).
  2. Ready-made solutions for typical tasks. Business card site, blog, forum, news site – all these types of sites can be created using only the modules of the basic version engine.
  3. Integration of all components. Possibility of end-to-end rubrication for any types of site documents (for example, a list of keywords common for blogs and forums). A news site with video presentations and blogs or a forum with the most interesting news on the main page – all this can be put into a single rubricator.
  4. Search and navigation. For more convenient access to all archival materials, there is a content rubrication, as well as a search taking into account the headings and types of content. In addition, with the help of short links or aliases, the site will acquire memorable names of individual pages and sections without the use of special characters, which improves their indexing by search engines.

In conclusion, I would like to note that Drupal has received the greatest distribution for the development and creation of more serious and significant projects than ordinary information sites. The architecture of the platform, which is not too simple at first glance, often repels inexperienced users, while a huge number of programmers prefer this particular system due to its rich functionality.

Registering a domain and hosting

Registering a domain and hosting for a website is very simple, fast and hassle-free. It is enough to come up with a domain name (website) and choose hosting. With the seeming simplicity of choosing a domain and hosting, there are pitfalls that are better understood by site support specialists. Employees of the Help2Site Web Studio are constantly faced with different hosting and site promotion features.

How to choose hosting for a website?

Open a search engine and make a request, for example: “the best hosting”, “how to choose a hosting”, “hosting reviews”, etc. There will be so much material that you can read and analyze for days. But… All the analytics and comparisons of different hostings have already been done. Make a list of your preferences, for example: the price and terms of hosting, the availability of an affiliate program, archival copying of the site, convenient support service, etc. Read the reviews and choose the best hosting, that’s all. In the future, you can, if necessary, transfer your site to another hosting.

Hosting selection steps

The choice of hosting is an undertaking that every site owner who has just created his new or next site faces. The main problem of choosing a hosting is that many site owners fail to choose the most suitable hosting for their Internet projects on the first try, which very often leads to the need to change hosting, which means unforeseen expenses and other problems. Customers often come to our Help2site web studio who have already chosen hosting after reading a lot of ratings and advice from friends, some were given good advice, some not so much.

Thus, it is necessary to approach the choice of hosting as carefully as possible, which can be helped by observing the order of the stages of this event.

So, the main stages of choosing a hosting.

  1. Selection of the most suitable hosting providers. At this stage, the site optimizer needs to analyze those hostings that are most suitable for the owner of the website (price, variety of services, and so on). When making such a selection, you should not focus only on the price, since even high prices for the services of a hosting provider are not a guarantee of their high quality. Of course, to select from all the masses of hosting, which is oversaturated with the modern Internet, only the most suitable for the site is not an easy task. Therefore, the webmaster needs to visit special resources, on the pages of which the owners of Internet projects discuss the quality of hosting.
  2. Choosing a hosting provider. This is the most important stage of choosing a hosting, so mistakes made on it can lead to a change in hosting in the future. When choosing a hosting provider, you also need to focus on the reviews of webmasters and optimizers about it, as well as aspects such as the ability to connect additional services, transfer site hosting to a new type of hosting, change the tariff plan, and so on.
  3. Choice of type of hosting. At this stage of choosing a hosting for a site, its owner needs to choose the most suitable type of hosting for it. Here it is worth considering the features of an Internet project, for example, wordpress needs powerful hosting, its possible level of traffic in the future, the features of its structure (the more the site contains additional services, the more hosting it will need).

Thus, for a small site, it is worth choosing a regular virtual hosting, and as for those resources that are calculated for a large audience, it is advisable for them to choose VPS hosting or a dedicated server.

How to come up with a domain name?

Coming up with a domain name is even easier. Here are a couple of tips:

  • The domain name should be short and easy to remember. The shorter the domain, the easier it is to type in the browser’s address bar.
  • The domain name should be easy and unambiguous to pronounce. For example, the letter “k” can be denoted by both “s” and “k”. Not everyone will be able to unambiguously write the letter “I” or “g”. Try not to use such letters in the site name.
  • You can make such a check: imagine that you say the name of the site to a friend on the phone. Put yourself in his place and tell me – can you unambiguously write such a name? If “Yes”, then everything is in order.
  • You can register a domain in the “rf” zone – in general, it’s as easy as shelling pears – everything is in Russian, but there is a problem with using this domain. Russian language is not supported by a number of important services. Then for the correct promotion it is better to take the “ru” zone and “glue” the site on “rf” to it.

Any hoster has its own support service that will help you both register a domain and “upload” the site to their servers. Ask them questions, ask – such services are specially created to help their customers.

Also, when buying a domain, you need to take an interest in its history, simply by scoring your chosen domain with a zone into a search engine. Also for these purposes there are professional specialized services. For the first check, a simple search engine is enough.

You can also buy a domain at auctions – this purchase has the advantage that the domain can be with a history and the disadvantage is that it can be bad.

And more… Pay for hosting for as long as you can. Firstly, this will indicate that you have come to the Internet seriously and for a long time – search engines are more loyal to such sites, secondly, with such payments, as a rule, domain registration is free, and thirdly, you can count on bonuses and hoster discounts. But paying in advance for a period of more than a year, when purchasing a hosting for the first time, there is one caveat – if your hoster does not perform well in terms of the stability of the servers and the availability of those. support, then most likely you will not be able to return the money, and sitting on this hosting and “killing” the site can cost a lot of lost money. Therefore, in my opinion, the most optimal solution is to buy hosting at the minimum rate for 1 year (90% of hosters give a free “ru” domain for this), start working and then raise the rate to the required capacity and calmly pay for long periods.

Remark: in 2022, all hosters started having problems due to sanctions and outages. And now there are no rules, only experience here and now.

How to install a website on a domain?

Consider installing a site using the tools that the hosting company provides at our disposal.

Some hosts provide trial periods. Those. By registering on the hosting site, you can install the site or their server without paying and registering a domain and see how it will work. The duration of the test period is different for everyone, but, as a rule, it is one to two weeks. And your site will be on a technical name and, sometimes, available only to you.

After this period, you either pay for services from this host, or go to another one. During the test period, be sure to contact the support service for any issue in order to evaluate its work. This does not guarantee the quality of her work later, when she gets you as a client, but if they don’t work in this situation, then the situation will not improve.

Almost any hosting provides the service of automatic installation of a content management system, i.e. CMS. These are Drupal, and WordPress, and a number of other paid and free programs, for example, sometimes you can buy a license for Bitrix cheaper than through the official 1C website. Read in the article “Engine for the site” on which CMS is better to make your site or blog.

After registering on the hosting site, you get access to your account and control panel. The hosting control panel can be either self-developed or third-party, but the essence is the same for everyone: through it you get access to all the tools of this hosting. Here are the main ones: managing domains and subdomains, a mail manager, installing programs, databases, etc. and so on.

To install CMS, select the desired program, as a rule, hosting provides a list of possible installations, and after that, the standard installation process for the selected CMS will start. The installation process will also create a SQL database if needed. As a result, you get a completely ready-to-use website.

Of course, this is only a shell of the site, which requires further adjustment, refinement, adjustment, etc. – not all the same, this is a ready-made site where you can post information and it will be available to everyone. Those. With the help of such an automatic installation, you can become the owner of a full-fledged website without any hassle and troubles.

On CMS WordPress, you can make a site of almost any level. A small blog, an online store, an information portal, etc. But, as always, the coin has a downside. In this case, this is a fairly large amount of information on working with WordPress, and, as a result, it takes a lot of time to study all the settings and subtleties of this CMS. In the article “Types of sites. Dynamics and statics” you can get acquainted with such concepts as “dynamic” and “static” sites and decide whether you need a CMS at all or is it better to make a site without an engine – manually?

Blog Plan

In this article, we, Help2site specialists, will try to make a small plan for creating a blog, following which you can, without confusion in your head, determine the steps for implementing your ideas and take the first step towards maintaining a personal blog.

Site types

First you need to understand what types of sites exist today:

  • Blog – this type of site is filled with informational articles to attract traffic. This type is monetized through ad placement, affiliate programs, or personal selling.
  • Commercial site (service site) – the site of a commercial company providing services or informing about the activities of the company. This type of site works with commercial requests and brings visitors to sales in this company. May contain a corporate blog.
  • Online store – the site allows you to make a full cycle of purchases on the Internet. The site keeps track of inventory balances, payments and shipments. May contain a blog aimed at increasing sales in the store.
  • Corporate websites and stores are thought out and developed by professional marketers and require a lot of time and money, so we will focus on the review of the blog creation plan (at the same time, I note that professional personal blogs are developed by professional producers to get into the search results and get monetized).

Today, creating a personal blog often comes down to simple actions that do not require special skills and knowledge from us. In fact, one desire is enough and, of course, free time. So, let’s begin…

Blog theme

First of all, decide on a topic for your future blog. The correct choice would be to choose a topic in which you are sufficiently knowledgeable and can express your professional opinion on the topic – this, of course, ideally. Most likely, your blog will be created in order to generate some kind of income, therefore, be sure to keep in mind that the blog topic must be popular and interesting for the visitor, and you must be as competent as possible in this matter. For example, if the site is designed for a male audience, the current topic will be “cars”.

Blog design and structure

The second important issue in creating a blog is its structure. There are a few key points to keep in mind here. Site navigation should be organized in such a way that it is as clear as possible for every visitor to the site. Designate for yourself the main sections (headings, tags) into which the blog will be divided and, accordingly, subsections, the number of which should not be more than three. This is all organized for convenience so that the user does not get lost in your blog.

The third aspect is the design, the appearance of the site. The following recommendations would be relevant. First, there is no need to be fanatical about posting various information. Overdoing it with the volume of figures and graphs, the page will take much longer to load. Secondly, you need to pay attention to the display of your site in the most commonly used browsers.

This is important, because in Opera the site will open without problems, while in Firefox it will not work exactly what you expect, and in chrome it will not open at all. Thirdly, the text and colors should not irritate or distract the visitor. Everything should be in calm colors. Also, you should pay attention to the font size, you need to choose it based on the most commonly used screen resolutions of the monitor and at the same time not lose users watching your site from the phone.

Blog content

Now, as for the content that will fill your site. Here it is necessary to stop in more detail. In no case do not copy the entire texts from other sites. You should not do this, first of all, because by posting someone else’s information copied verbatim from other sites, you will certainly spoil your reputation. Moreover, every person, including those who will visit your page, they are looking for something new, presented from a different point of view, or in a different light.

Interest in original content should always be present. If you treat this issue with negligence, it will immediately affect the popularity of the blog, moreover, Internet search engines, if plagiarism is detected, will make your search results disappointing.

Domain and hosting

“Whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail.” Whatever you give a name or a name, it is also important to think about it and take your time with the name that comes to mind first. The main position, the name for the site should not be capacious, so that it is easier to remember it.

Blog promotion

Finally, the key to the success of your project is the promotion of the site. That is, the promotion itself is to increase popularity. And here everything will come down to the filling of your page. The more exciting, original and interesting the content of the content is, the easier it will be to raise the overall rating of the blog. This is due to the fact that people themselves will begin to link to your page, where there will be exclusive, constantly updated material, interesting

How to create a mini site?

As in any business, there are several solutions in creating a mini site. These solutions can be divided into two types – you can create a mini site for free and for a fee. But in both options, you have to pay for the domain and hosting – this is, if we consider the “adult” options. So “free” is quite conditional. And anyway, what does “free” mean? This means independently – and this, in turn, is time spent. And, as you know, time is money! A vicious circle is obtained. Well, okay, let’s leave these arguments to philosophers – we go the other way.

The paid option involves the creation of a mini site on the side – whether it be a company, a freelancer or a familiar neighbor. It all comes down to communicating with the developer – you give him money and express your wishes. It is also possible to further support the site and its refinement, seo-promotion, well, etc., etc.

You are more interested in the free option. But, as I said, all this “free” is rather conditional. Does self-study involve learning JS? php, HTML and CSS, constantly keeping up with technology changes and other trends. It is desirable to own a ten-finger blind typing method, to be on good terms with Photoshop, and in general to be “friends” with a computer. It can take more than one day to acquire these skills. So figure out which is easier – to pay or study on your own?

But! If we return to the beginning of this article, then there is always a solution. By the way, doing nothing is also a decision, but it is not for us! Let’s try to find the golden mean. So, what do you need in order to create a mini site and start working on the Internet?

We will assume that you are “friends” with the computer and have already decided on the theme of the site. If you are tense with the topic, then perhaps the article “Theme of the site. How to choose a theme for the site?

Let’s start. Sooner or later you will need electronic money, so get yourself electronic wallets right away. The most popular are WebMoney and Yandex.Money. With their help, it is very convenient to pay for various services (hosting, Internet, etc.), and, of course, your future income will be where to store it. Registration is very simple and does not take much time. The websites of these systems have detailed instructions.

By the way, you can get a personal certificate from WebMoney – an optional thing, but very useful. This certificate confirms that you are a real person, and not just a virtual wallet to collect money.

In 2023, none of this is relevant. It is better to have a simple debit card accepted by the payment systems of the world.

We go further. The most important, perhaps, is His Majesty the Content. It is thanks to the content, i.e. articles on your site, your site will be found by visitors in search engines. Content must be unique. And not because copying other people’s texts is bad, although this is, of course, very bad, but also because search engines have learned to determine the authorship of articles and your site can easily get banned, i.e. it will not show up in search engine results.

But the question may arise: We are talking about mini sites, and they usually have one or two articles, so why write there? And let’s see. Take, for example, a one-page site for signing up for a newsletter. There should be one short article about the need to subscribe to the newsletter. But the distribution itself! You will have to send out materials to subscribers with some regularity to write!

As for selling sites, business cards, etc. Yes, there really are only a couple of three articles, although there may be more. But after all, they also need to be written first, and also edited occasionally. Alternatively, articles can be purchased. Read the article “Copywriting. Earnings on articles.

So, anyway, content is a very important part of our mini site. And it would be quite nice to prepare it in advance, pick up the schedule …

Graphics, pictures are a separate component of the site. Of course, the ability to handle Photoshop will greatly facilitate the work of creating a mini site, but you can manage without this knowledge, at least at the initial stage. On the Internet, a sufficient number of free pictures, backgrounds, icons, headers – this is the header of the site. Most of the images are already optimized for web sites. You will only have to arrange all this according to meaning and color. But in the future, you still have to study Photoshop. As they say in such cases, you need to get basic knowledge.

Let’s sum up the intermediate result. We have an electronic wallet for future payments and receipts. There is a site theme, prepared articles and graphics. Plus a great desire to quickly create a mini site and launch it on the Internet. If you missed any of this, it’s never too late to fill in the gaps. Well, let’s move on to solving the key question of the article: “How to create a mini site?”.

Since we are creating a mini site on our own, it would be necessary to stock up on knowledge on the layout of mini sites. You need to learn HTML and CSS, which will give you a basic knowledge, and a little more. As simple as it is, it will take time. Yes, and, in my opinion, the topic is absorbed much faster.

How to create a profitable website?

We will try to find ways and techniques with which you can create a profitable website. We will talk about blogs and other personal sites that can bring income to their owner. And that it is not enough to do everything in our power – we must do it right. And then our site will thank us. But, as always, first things first…

Is there a chance…

Oh, and this is not an easy job – to create a successful blog, maintain it and make your way up, where there is “sea and sand”, where there is high attendance and good earnings! Add here a catastrophic lack of experience and knowledge, money and time – longing takes! ? And you also need to take into account that where the “sea and sand” is already someone there and you will have to move him, and “he” is already seasoned and experienced, knowing the subtleties and tricks! Yes, yes, there is something to think about.

But! Maybe not everything is so bad, maybe there is still a place THERE? You just need to roll up your sleeves and be patient. Let’s look at it from the other side. Yes, there are already experienced bloggers with highly visited resources, with authority and knowledge, with earnings that others still dream of. They have a profitable site, or even more than one. But it can also be reversed.

These “sharks” spent just a lot of time, making their way upstairs, erasing “hands in the blood” on the keyboard, lacking sleep, making mistakes, “falling and rising”! You won’t envy. But now they are THERE, reaping the fruits of their labors.

So what’s stopping you from doing the same? Only without errors! You can learn to do the “right” by learning from the experience of the best. What is needed for this? Observe and analyze. And, of course, the theme of the site should be interesting and popular.

Each niche has its own leaders and finding them is not a problem. In matters of site building and promotion, there are authoritative sites. You can subscribe to their newsletters, read their issues, see what, where and how is posted on these successful blogs.

Here I would like to note that, in my opinion, not everything can and should be taken “on faith”. There is a lot of information and you need to be able to “sift” it. If you type in a search engine, for example, “seo-promotion”, then life will not be enough to re-read everything. And you can do it differently. Look not for articles, but for those who do this, and study their sites.

Every little thing can be important. For example, the placement of ad units is for maximum impact. The frequency of publication of articles and their design. I think you get the gist of this approach.

By analyzing sites and various information, I have deduced some common points to achieve the goal of creating a profitable site.

Patience and work will grind everything

Patience and perseverance in achieving the goal definitely come first. Most sites are abandoned in the first months of their existence. And I perfectly understand why. You try, come up with different interesting things, write articles … and nothing. Titz 0, pr 0, attendance 10-20 people per day.

But it is in the first months that the largest amount of work Registration of a domain, hosting and installation of a site is a trifle. It is necessary to perform a lot of settings: the site itself and modules, adjust the template, set up robots and .htaccess files, register in a bunch of services, set up RSS, affiliate programs, links, fix errors. By the way, take a look at the page with information about common mistakes when creating the site “Site. Work on mistakes”.

But you also need to write on the site. Well, if there are already developments, but if everything is from scratch? By the way, on articles it is possible to earn also. Well, ideally, it would not be bad to release a free course on your topic. And you need to engage in self-education, and website promotion.

On the other hand, what are we waiting for? Who said that creating a profitable website is easy? There is one common truth in business: in the first year you feed your business, in the second year the business feeds itself, and only in the third year the business starts to feed you. Here, guess. So patience and work should be faithful helpers in the first months of working on the site, and in the future too.

Keep writing, keep working on the site. And thoughts like “I’ll give up this business – no money, no time, no sense” – drive away.


We need to communicate. And not just in the comments on your site. It can be forums, other blogs on your topic. You can exchange links. Someone you will recommend, someone will recommend you. Many blogs host various contests. Prizes for winning can be both money and open links to your site. So participation in such competitions is not a bad way to light up.

Of course, communication can be different. Sometimes in the comments you can find negative reviews about your site. And if more often it is constructive criticism, then it can come across like “yes, complete garbage” and the like. Of course, you need to listen to criticism and correct mistakes.

Honesty is a positive trait in communication. Sometimes there may be a desire to embellish, exaggerate or, conversely, underestimate something – but honesty has always been and will be held in high esteem. As you know, sooner or later, deception can be revealed, and, as always, at the most inopportune moment! A successful blog, and indeed any site, for example

What can you save money on and what can you not?

So, you have come to the decision to order a website from a professional web studio, but your budget is limited. Naturally, in this case, a logical question arises: what can you save on? It often happens that customers pay great attention to a bright and exclusive design, although the ability of the site to perform the functions assigned to it depends only to a small extent on it. At the same time, they try to save money on the content component of the resource, which often leads to unexpected results. Next, we will talk about what it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on when creating a website, and what things you should not save on.

Savings on design when creating a site.

The desire for uniqueness and brightness is, of course, not bad, but do not forget that even a very good design by itself will not lead to an increase in traffic to your site. Often it is enough to order the most simple and user-friendly design, and in other cases, a template design will suffice. You can continue to work on improving the design after the site begins to attract new customers and make a profit.

How to save on layout and programming.

Competent layout, setting up for various browsers, ensuring the reliability of work are an indispensable element in the creation of each site. Today, almost no web resource exists without software – from a standard news feed to the most complex electronic trading platforms. Software modules provide interactivity of the site and make it interesting, dynamic and attractive to users. In addition, the use of software tools significantly reduces the cost of subsequent support of the site, as it allows the owner to deal with its content independently. When ordering the creation of a website from a freelancer or a studio that makes websites for “5 thousand rubles”, you risk getting a resource on which you will not only be unable to edit the menu, but simply place the text on the site. In order to avoid such problems in the operation of the site in the future, it is necessary to spend a lot of time looking for a high-quality and responsible contractor. Try to discuss all the details and create a site so that your customers like it, and not so that it is fast and convenient for the performer.

Savings on hosting and server.

Saving on them things is simply unacceptable. If the server is unstable or the pages of your site open too slowly, this will have a very negative impact on the attendance of your resource.

How to save money on creating content for website promotion.

Do not forget that the content part (content) is one of the priorities, since the site is created for visitors, and it is important for them to find relevant, interesting information on it, presented in an accessible and competent way. In addition, optimized texts, the presence of images and videos have a positive effect on the promotion of a resource in search engines. So it’s not worth saving on creating materials that are attractive to visitors. In order to save the budget, you can try to create content yourself, but it is better to entrust this task to a professional copywriter.

Thus, it is clear that excessive savings on any of the most important components of the site can result in unexpected consequences and, quite possibly, additional costs in the future. In order not to waste money, you can abandon such excesses as animation effects, music on the site, complex design elements in favor of creating a simple, stylish and convenient site for visitors.